Empowering Healthy Business: The Podcast for Small Business Owners
The Empowering Healthy Business Podcast is THE podcast for small business owners seeking to balance having a nicely profitable business, a sustainable, scalable, and salable business, lower stress levels, better work-life balance, and improved physical and emotional fitness. Yes, this is possible! Though it’s not easy. We’re here to help you navigate toward this objective.
Podcasting since 2023 • 33 episodes
Empowering Healthy Business: The Podcast for Small Business Owners
Latest Episodes
#33 The Founder as Chief Salesperson
A challenge all businesses face is setting up the sales function for success. In this episode, Christopher Filipiak explores why it is critical for the Founder to master the sales process regardless of whether the plan is to hire salespeopl...
Episode 33

#32 - Beneficial Ownership Filing Requirement Update and Preparing for Year End Tax Filings
Within the past week, the Beneficial Ownership Information (BOI) filing requirement was both reinstated and then suspended again, pending further legal review. Greg Reed provides an update on the current status of the BOI fiing requirement and ...
Episode 32

#31 - Lean Marketing for More Customers at Lower Cost
Would you like to learn how to get more customers at a lower cost of customer acquisition than your current marketing is producing? In this episode Sarah Noel Block presents her approach to lean marketing that can be done in just 4 hours per we...
Episode 31

#30 - Overcoming Visionary Founder Blind Spots
Founders of businesses are unique kinds of people. Some are visionary by nature and struggle to scale businesses despite great personal talent. In this episode Becky Venuti of BV Coaching shares her experience and insight into how these visiona...
Episode 28

#29 - Suspension of Beneficial Ownership Filing Requirements
A federal court in Texas issued a preliminary injunction suspending the enforcement of the new beneficial ownership reporting requirement. While this ruling provides relief for small business owners, it is TBD whether the reporting requirement ...
Episode 29